

prism init is used to initialize a new Prism project.

Usage: prism init [OPTIONS]                                                                                        
 Initialize a Prism project.                                                                                        
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --project-name      TEXT                                 Project name                                            │
│ --log-level     -l  [info|warning|error|debug|critical]  Set the log level                                       │
│ --help                                                   Show this message and exit.                             │

Good to know: you can enter the desired project name as an argument to the init command (e.g., prism init --project-name my_first_project). If you don't, no sweat! The console will prompt you to enter in a desired project name.

After the command finishes executing, you should see the folder for your Prism project!


Here's what the output will look like in Terminal:

$ prism init --project_name my_first_project
Running with Prism v0.3.0...
Creating template project at /my_first_project...

   ____  __ \_____(_)________ _______
 _____  /_/ / ___/ / ___/ __ `__ \ ____
____ / ____/ /  / (__  ) / / / / / _____
 ___/_/   /_/  /_/____/_/ /_/ /_/  ___

Welcome to Prism, the easiest way to create clean, modular data pipelines
using Python!

To get started, navigate to your newly created project "my_first_project" and try
running the following commands:
    > python
    > prism run
    > prism graph

Consult the documentation here for more information on how to get started.

Happy building!


Last updated