tasks.ref(...) allows users to reference and access other tasks' outputs and/or targets. This is the most important function in Prism. It is impossible to build even moderately complex workflows without it.
tasks.ref(...) takes two arguments:
task: str: the name of the task whose output you'd like to retrieve. This name should be in the form <module_name>, or <module_name>.<task_name>, where <task_name> is the name of the Prism task class / function.
local: bool: whether task lives in the same module. The default is False.
Let's look at some examples.
Ref-ing tasks in different modules
One task in ref'd module
In most Prism projects, each module in tasks/ will contain a single task. Let's see how we'd use tasks.ref() in this situation.
Our tasks.ref() is located in the second task. We simply use the name of the module containing the task whose output we want to retrieve. Note that we exclude the .py suffix from the module name.
Important: you could specify the task name using <module_name>.<task_name>, i.e., hello_world.HelloWorld. But this isn't necessary, since hello_world.py only contains a single task.
Multiple tasks in ref'd module
Now, let's look at a situation where the ref'd module has multiple tasks and you want to retrieve the output of a specific task.
The basic usage is still the same. However, since the ref'd module has multiple tasks, you need to specify your task like <module_name>.<task_name>. Here, task_name refers to name of the Prism task class or function.
# tasks/second_task.py
import prism.decorators import task
def second_task(tasks, hooks):
# Get the output of HelloWorld task
hello_world_str = tasks.ref("hello_world.hello_world")
# Get the output of FooBar task
foo_bar_str = tasks.ref("hello_world.foo_bar")
return hello_world_str + foo_bar_str
Ref-ing tasks in the same module
Now, let's look at an example where we want to retrieve the output of a task in the same module. This is where the local argument becomes important.
To ref a task in the same module, simply use the task_name (i.e., either the class name or function name), and set local = True. Here's what that looks like: