spark-submit is used to execute a PySpark-based Prism project. This is distinct from a Python-based Prism project, in which case you would need to use the run command.
In order to use the spark-submit command, you must have a PySpark profile specified in profile.yml.
Usage: prism spark-submit [-h] [--modules [ ...]] [--all-upstream] [--all-downstream] [--full-tb] [-l] [--vars [A=a B=b ...]] [--context '{}']
Execute your Prism project as a PySpark job
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Command Options:
--modules [ ...]
Path to script(s) that you want to run; if not specified, all modules in project are run
--all-upstream Run all modules upstream of --modules
--all-downstream Run all modules downstream of --modules
General Options:
--full-tb Display the full traceback for errors in the project; default is False
-l, --log-level Log level, must be one of `info`, `warn`, `error`, or `debug`. Default is `info`
--vars [A=a B=b ...] Prism variables as key-value pairs `key=value`. These overwrite any variable definitions in ``. All values are read as strings.
--context '{}' Prism variables as JSON. Cannot co-exist with --vars. These overwrite any variable definitions in ``.
Important: this command is identical to prism run, with the exception that this should only be used to submit PySpark jobs.
Here's what the output looks like in Terminal:
$ prism spark-submit
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | Running with prism v0.1.9rc1...
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | Found project directory at /Users/my_first_project
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | RUNNING EVENT 'parsing'................................................ [RUN]
22/06/28 21:01:30 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | FINISHED EVENT 'parsing'............................................... [DONE in 0.03s]
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | RUNNING EVENT 'module DAG'.............................................................. [RUN]
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | FINISHED EVENT 'module DAG'............................................................. [DONE in 0.01s]
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | RUNNING EVENT 'creating pipeline, DAG executor'......................................... [RUN]
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | FINISHED EVENT 'creating pipeline, DAG executor'........................................ [DONE in 0.01s]
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | ===================== tasks 'vermilion-hornet-Gyycw4kRWG' =====================
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | 1 of 1 RUNNING EVENT ''...................................................... [RUN]
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO | 1 of 1 FINISHED EVENT ''..................................................... [DONE in 0.01s]