

The BigQuery configurations are:

  • creds: the path to the Google authentication credentials. The default is the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

For more information, see here the Google BigQuery documentation.

# profile.yml

<profile name here>: # change this!
    <bigquery adapter name here>: # change this!
      type: bigquery
      creds: '{{ env("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS") }}'

Under the hood, prism interacts with the BigQuery Python API to create the SQL engine.


You can run queries against the BigQuery engine using the hooks.sql function:

def run(self, tasks, hooks):
    data = hooks.sql(
        adapter_name="<bigquery adapter name>",
        query="SELECT * FROM table"

Note that when return_type = None, the result will be a list of Row objects containing the query data.