Triggers allow users to run specific functions upon a project's success and/or failure. TRIGGERS_YML_PATH specifies the location of the triggers YML configuration file. This defaults to a file named triggers.yml in the project directory. TRIGGERS is a dictionary that specifies the triggers to run upon success and failure.

# Triggers
TRIGGERS_YML_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / 'triggers.yml' # location of triggers.yml file
    'on_success': [],  # triggers from triggers.yml to run on success
    'on_failure': [],  # triggers from triggers.yml to run on failure

The TRIGGERS dictionary has two acceptable keys: on_success, and on_failure. on_success, as the name suggests, refers to triggers to run on a successful project run. on_failure refers to triggers to run on a failed project run.

More information can be found in the Triggers section.

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