

prism delete deletes your agent. For Docker agents, this means removing your image (and all intermediate ones) from the Docker engine. For EC2 agents, this means removing your EC2 instance and associated resources (e.g., key-pairs, security groups, etc.)

Usage: prism agent delete [-h] -f FILE [--full-tb] [-l] [--vars [A=a B=b ...]] [--context '{}']

Delete your agent

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Subcommand Options:
  -f, --file FILE       Path to agent configuration YML

General Options:
  --full-tb             Display the full traceback for errors in the project; default is False
  -l, --log-level       Log level, must be one of `info`, `warn`, `error`, or `debug`. Default is `info`
  --vars [A=a B=b ...]  Prism variables as key-value pairs `key=value`. These overwrite any variable definitions in ``. All values are read as strings.
  --context '{}'        Prism variables as JSON. Cannot co-exist with --vars. These overwrite any variable definitions in ``.


Here's what the output looks like in Terminal (using a Docker agent as an example):

$ prism agent delete -f ./docker_agent.yml
08:56:30 | INFO  | Deleting agent...
etl-project-docker-agent:1.1[delete] | Deleting image etl-project-docker-agent:1.1

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